Evolution of Design in Web Technologies

Web1.0, Web2.0 and currently Web3.0 have proposed different levels of interaction with the users. Therefore, design has also had different positioning in these markets. In order to understand the position of design, the features of these technologies need to be…

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Staying Relevant During a Crisis

While the courageous women and men on the frontlines are fighting to keep this nightmare pandemic from wiping us all out, it’s easy to feel irrelevant, ensconced at home, watching Netflix and worrying about having enough toilet paper. Imagine how…

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Time to Break Vicious Circle of Technology Backlashes

Over the past two weeks, the criticism of Facebook has reached a boiling point, having simmered since the Cambridge Analytica data scandal was uncovered in 2018. Several global brands, including Unilever, Coca Cola, and Starbucks, have announced they are boycotting…

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